My momma is making me so mad! Momma Alkana to told me that I am not allowed to bring pets into the house anymore. This is not good news at all! I love my pets, and without them, I cannot function!
If someone told me: Eugene Alkana why do you have so many pets? I , Eugene will say, that is none of your business! Even if I had an ugly dog, someone like me would love it! Hell, i would call it Eugene #2!
Okay, so my school alls my mom to tell on me. They basically said the Eugene Alkana has been sneaking off the pet mice out for lunch and showing them off to their friends. Why should it matter what I have been doing?? I take care of them, I feed them and get them the exercise they deserve! Hey teacher, you have a problem with Eugene, email me at, then see what happens!
I don't know, maybe I am just overwhelmed with so much school work. Sometimes, just putting my name Eugene Alkana on the top of the paper is a big deal, and then I am done writing it and want to just turn it in and go home and play with my pets!
My pets are the best thing that have happened to me. They don't cry to me, or bug me, they just love me...unconditionally. Momma Alkana is always on my case, saying "Eugene, you beeter clean your filthy dirty room! And I better not find rabbit crap on the carpet again or you will be grounded for life mister!"
Jeez..she is so melodramatic. I love my bunnies, and their poop doesn't smell and looks like little chocolate pieces, so why should she get mad at me??
Okay, Eugene Alkana is done for today, so i hope you are all happy now!
-Eugene Alkana, animal lover. I love animals, but I don't make love to them!